
About Me

Magalie Tracqui is an artist and teacher in the visual art. She creates paintings and sculptures to develop her creativity and find new inspirations for her students. She grew up in Meylan in France, but studied in various cities (Paris, Geneva, Madrid, Toulouse, Amsterdam). She lives between Castricum and Oost-Graftdijk and works in Amsterdam. Her aim is to combine artistic craft techniques with digital techniques to create imaginary worlds. To this end, she trains with specialists in working with various materials (wood, stone, glass, clay) and digital media (photography, video).

"I'm often told that I'm a fast learner"

Magalie is currently a member of the Castricum-based association Perspective for visual arts, and also takes part in workshops run by Toonbeeld Geesterhage. She is also studying to be better at teaching film in primary and secondary schools at the Breitner Academy of Art in Amsterdam. She also teaches visual arts in secondary and elementary school at the French International School of Amsterdam. She is currently looking for new cultural partnerships in the fields of film, dance, theater and music to create educational and interdisciplinary projects on current themes.

Painting vs. Programming

Magalie Tracqui came to art school in the new media section making animated films and special effects; she left graduating from the painting and drawing section exhibiting large-format oil paintings on canvas with surrealist themes. This ambivalence is reflected in her two diploma theses: The embodiment of the body and face in painting (2018) and Programming during visual education class, a design study of programming education by integrating the software Scratch into visual education classes (2022).

Often told she's a fast learner

"When I arrived in my 3rd year on the anatomical drawing course from live models at the University of Fine Arts in Madrid, I managed in 5 months to get up to the level of those who had already been at the school for 3 years. I took 2nd and 3rd year courses, all in Spanish, even though I was just starting out. One of the teachers, who is renowned for his rigor, was at first convinced that I didn't have the level, but after a few months he personally invited me to come back taking his classes. And it's not the first time this has happened to me! I arrived in the Netherlands without speaking a word of Dutch and after 1 year I was already teaching Art in Dutch to native speakers. My life is made from challenges, and despite the difficulties I persevere to make my dreams come true."

A long way of theory and practice in different countries

Magalie Tracqui has completed internships in 4 secondary schools in south-western France, as well as in the education department of Modern Art museum Les Abattoirs in Toulouse. She has taught in 4 Dutch secondary schools in Gorinchem, Zaandam, Heemskerk and Beverwijk for vocational and university students (MAVO-HAVO and VWO). Since 2021 she has been teaching visual arts at the French International School in Amsterdam.

Magalie Tracqui's ambition is to develop film courses and activities in schools that don't yet offer this discipline. She is currently looking for interested schools to set up an inter-school project around the Tapis Rouge French film festival which will take place from November 9 to 14, 2023 at De FilmHallen in Amsterdam. (See Merel Hollander's interview with Magalie Tracqui in the September 2023 De Franse Juf newsletter).

More about my


She exhibits her work through the organizations to which she belongs: schools, artistic and cultural centers.

She has exhibited her Imaginary houses series at the Haute école d'art et de Design in Geneva (2014)

The guardians of the ESPE for the "Dans ta fac(e)" exhibition at the Université Jean-Jaurès in Toulouse (2015)

Nova and George Harrison's castle and her diptych Marry Poppins' mirror at the Grote Kerk in Gorinchem (2019)

Exhibited at the visual art Perspectief association in Castricum (2022)

Took part in a portrait competition of the pastor Jan Veldt (2024)